With travel basically put on hold for more than a year now, many people have got a greater amount of money saved up that they would have otherwise spent on going abroad. And, after such a difficult year for most of us, who doesn’t get excited about the idea of revamping the house that you’ve been spending lockdown in? All in all, with an increasing focus on renewable materials, here are some ideas that you might wish to incorporate when revamping your home:
- Build a garden shed: Log Cabins or garden sheds can be used for a variety of fun purposes. You might decide to create a cinema room, a workshop, an office, a yoga space or otherwise. But no matter what you choose to do with it, a log cabin that is detached from your house is likely to give you the peace and tranquillity to really focus on doing what you feel passionate about.
- Use checks and stripes: Don’t be shy when it comes to using checks and stripes for your interior design. It’s going to look good, don’t worry. Checks and stripes not only look appealing, but they are also very simple, creating the perfect visual balance to accomplish stylish statement walls, those perfect for a photoshoot backdrop. Incorporating such designs can be done through wallpaper, flooring, bedding and otherwise.
- Create a tropical design: With shades of navy blue making one feel as though they’re in the middle of the ocean, tropical designs can help transport you to another world. Interior designs that are inspired by Hawaiian beach themes can make you feel relaxed and calm, making your home the perfect place to rest and recharge after you’ve had a hard day at work.
- Plants and greenery: According to many contemporary studies, exposure to nature can significantly improve your mental health. That’s why it can be a fantastic idea to design your house based on natural themes and colours. An obvious start to this would be by buying your favourite plants and maintaining them, but natural themes are not limited to that. You might decide to implement a jungle-like colour scheme on your walls, and/or purchase a fountain, introducing the element of water into the house.
- Feng Shui: While most of us have heard about Feng Shui, few of us actually know what it is. Feng Shui is all about arranging items within a living space so as to create harmony between an individual and their environment. This is done by creating a balance with the natural world. There are several Feng Shui schools of thought, but if you decide to read up on them, you’ll certainly be able to get some inspiration for interior design.
All in all, it’s important to do your research before you go all out and invest in revamping your interior design. While many good designs are out there, not all will suit your lifestyle and personality, so it’s key to make informed decisions before committing to a renovation.
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