
Going on holiday? How to make sure your home is secure

Going on holiday for the summer is a great way to rest, relax, and recover from a difficult year. While you’re away trying to get a break, the last thing you want to worry about is if your home and belongings are protected. Stressing about your home’s security is an easy way to ruin your holiday. Luckily, protecting your home can be easy. Having a home security system is a great way to keep your home secure while you go away on holiday.


Setting up a home security system may feel like a daunting task, but luckily it doesn’t need to be. With the help of some professional security experts, securing your home over the summer can be easy!

First and foremost, we recommend installing security cameras to cover any front doors. Front doors are often the most common area for break-ins, so it’s important you have them protected. In addition to the front door, covering any other main entrances, such as back doors or side doors is a good idea. Setting up security cameras to protect back and side entrances is a particularly good idea if they are slightly hidden from the public, which could make them seem like easier targets for burglars.

Having security cameras installed is great for a number of reasons. Most importantly, they provide a strong deterrent for burglars. Burglars are much less likely to try to break in if they see security cameras and know they will be on camera and much more likely to get caught.

Additionally, having a home CCTV system will give you great peace of mind while you are away on holiday. You can relax at the beach, the lake, or wherever you find yourself this summer, knowing your home is secure and protected. Most security systems allow you to check the cameras whenever you want from your phone. If you’re worried about leaving your home unattended, you can take it with you in your pocket everywhere you go!

Alternative tips

There are plenty of other quick and easy tips you can do in addition to a home security system to help keep your home secure over the summer.

House sitters

If you have friends or family around, you could ask one of them to house-sit your place. That way you won’t need to worry about your place being empty and looking inviting to potential thieves. An additional benefit of a house sitter is they can collect your mail to stop it from piling up.

Turning off your mail

If you’re going away for a while and don’t have a house sitter, make sure you stop your mail. Having letters and newspapers piled up in the letterbox is a giant signal that your home is empty and appealing to break-ins.

Make sure everything is locked before you leave

While this may seem obvious, it is the most important and easiest tip in this article. Many break-ins occur through doors and windows accidentally being left unlocked. So before you go, make sure you check every door and every window – even the ones you don’t use often.

Before packing your suitcase to go on a holiday, make sure to follow these surefire home security tips to ensure that your home will be protected while you’re away.

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